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Redilight’s skylight alternative is green lighting Australia by cleverly combining solar panels and energy efficient LED lighting in the home and office.

Redilight is as proud of the environmental benefits of our solar panel LED lighting system as the cost-effective lighting solution it delivers day-after-day.

Energy efficient LED lighting also boasts significantly longer lifespans than other lighting options – reducing waste and consumption.

Zero emission power generation

Redilight’s range of extra low voltage solar panels are the environmentally sound way of powering quality lighting in your home or office.

Designed in Australia to meet the demands of its rugged climate, Redilight’s range of products are manufactured to the highest quality standards to ensure they will deliver reliable power year-on-year – significantly reducing our customers’ carbon footprint.

It’s just one way we are aiming to deliver a brighter future for the modern home.

Ready to learn more? Discover the advantages of Redilight’s low voltage solar panels now.

Long life LED lights

Not only is Redilight’s range of LED light fittings energy efficient, they are also long-lasting – making LED technology the smarter choice in green lighting.

With a typical lifespan exceeding 50,000 hours, energy efficient LED lights requiring replacing less often. This significantly lessens the impacts of production, manufacture and waste compared with old-fashioned incandescent and halogen globes.

Ready to learn more? Discover the benefits of Redilight’s energy efficient LED light fittings now.

Ensuring home owners a brighter future

Redilight is committed to researching emerging technologies to ensure our smart LED lighting options continue to innovate and deliver maximum environmental benefits.

With the growing importance of climate awareness we are actively seeking ways to increase the energy efficiency of all the components in our solar powered skylight alternative.

Our solar drivers are also manufactured in Australia and certified in compliance with the highest performance and quality standards (RCM Standard AS/NZS4417).

It’s just another way Redilight is dedicated to green lighting Australia and deliver a brighter future for all Australians.

Ready to learn more? Discover the benefits of Redilight product range now.

And it’s not just the lights

Redilight takes an environmentally conscious approach to our operations – not just our products.

Our sales and technical teams are committed to maximising the recycling of components used in our products – metal, plastic or glass – at every opportunity.

Redilight is also a paper-waste aware head office that seeks to reduce and recycle all printing materials, and sources carbon neutral paper products that comply with the highest Australian Forestry Standards.

And, of course, we also make full use of our own energy efficient lighting range in our workshop and head office.

We simply wouldn’t be sustainable if we didn’t practice what we preach.